Job Appointment Letter Sample in Word Template

Job Appointment Letter Sample in Word Template

आमतौर पर नियुक्ति पत्र एक आधिकारिक पत्र होता है; यह एक प्राथमिक दस्तावेज है जो आवेदक को जानकारी के तोर पर प्रदान किया जाता है। नियुक्ति पत्र एक औपचारिक पत्र है इसलिए यह संगठन में Highest Authority के द्वारा दिया जाना  चाहिए, पत्र को एक पत्र Letter-Head पर टाइप किया जाना चाहिए, और पत्र की भाषा औपचारिक होनी चाहिए। पत्र में उस व्यक्ति को संबोधित किया जाना चाहिए जिसे नियुक्त किया गया है, और पदनाम का विवरण भी होना चाहिए। पत्र जारी करने की तारीख, जिस तारीख से नियुक्ति प्रभावी है, के साथ पत्र में उल्लेख किया जाना चाहिए।

 Job Appointment Letter Sample in Word Template

Ref. No.                                                                                      Date:  
Mr. «Name of Employee»
Address Line 1
Address Line 2


Dear «Name of Employee»,

With Reference to your application dated «Date» and subsequent interview you had with us we are pleased to appoint you as «Designation» at our works at «Company Address». Your annual salary on the basis of Cost to the Company (CTC) will be Rs. «Amount (Amount in Words) » per annum, all-inclusive.

You will be on Probation for a period of three months but this probation period may be extended at the discretion of the company. During your Period of Probation, the company reserves the right to terminate your service at any time with seven days’ notice or pay in lieu of the notice by either side, and without assigning any reasons thereof. During the probation period, you will be entitled to leave with pay as per the rules. On completion of the above-mentioned probationary period, together with any extension thereof you may, if the company is satisfied with your service be confirmed in writing.  Your confirmation will be subject to your satisfactory performance and attendance. After your service have been confirmed, your appointment may be terminated either way by giving one month of notice or one month pay in lieu of notice.

You will be governed by the rules and regulation of the Company and the Standing orders applicable to you, which are in force for the time being or may be framed from time to time. You will be allowed leave as per the Company’s current Regulations and as notified from time to time. You will not divulge to any unauthorized person’s any of this company ‘s trade secrets or affairs.

You should join immediately on receipt of this letter of appointment and your employment will be effective from the date of joining with us. You are requested to confirm your acceptance of the above terms and conditions of the service by signing the attached copy and returning it to the office as early as possible.

Yours faithfully,
For «Company Name»


«Authorized Person Name & Designation»

Job Appointment Letter Sample in Word Template Job Appointment Letter Sample in Word Template Reviewed by DINESH K VISHVA on अप्रैल 01, 2020 Rating: 5
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